Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is equality lacking in this college community?

Some members of the Shasta College campus community are increasingly alarmed at how the campus atmosphere has changed over several years.  The public persona is one of embattled administrators struggling to keep the doors open, while the quiet truth may be something quite different.

Those of us in the campus community who have observed the slash and burn procedures enacted over the past several years are now fearful of speaking our minds.  And when we discover that our own faculty association does not support the concept of equal protection in the classroom, academic freedom, and job security for all of its members, we become even more fearful. 

Let us be clear. 

We are learning that the SCFA, in direct opposition to the standards and practices advocated by our Community College Association, not only does not support the concept of job security - its president continues to hobble any effort which might be made by faculty representatives who DO.  The authors of this blog checked into this situation very carefully before making the decision to come forward.  We have been attempting to contact individuals whose lines of communication have been summarily severed, with the hope of hearing all sides to this story. 

In fact, we invite the current president of the SCFA to make a post here, and clearly outline his opposition to the concept of job security . . . that very thing which would allow adademic freedom and free speech for everyone on our campus.

It's time that the college community AND the citizens of our north state community were better informed about these issues.  That can only happen if free speech is actually free (and without fear).


SKB said...

The situation at Shasta College is becoming known to others in the California community college system, and it does not bode well for the college's reputation, nor that of its local faculty union. At a time when the more progressive community colleges have already instituted job security protection language into their bargaining agreements, SCFA seems intent on moving backward. What's the deal? I'd be interested in hearing what the SCFA president has to say.

Anonymous said...

Divide and Conquer

I am sad to see that Shasta College is falling into the administrative trap of “Divide and Conquer”. It is an age old tradition to play full-time and part-time faculty against each other, because that way the administration has all the control.

If faculty are busy fighting amongst themselves, then they have less time to solve the important issues and little time to tear down the road blocks that the administration often place in our way. I’m lucky because I work for a district that is wall-to-wall and ALL faculty work together to help solve current academic problems as a team.

It is a shame that your local has fallen into the trap of “Divide and Conquer” because no one wins except the administration. I guess that it goes to show that just because teachers might have academic smarts, doesn’t mean they have any common sense.


A Concerned Colleague

P.S. Please remind your local that discussing part-time faculty rehire rights during contract negotiationsis mandated by California Education Code (87482.9).

Anonymous said...

Shasta College has been a long time violator of part time faculty rights. The administration is only concerned for themselves and the money they us to line their pockets.

Pay part time faculty for their mandatory office hours? Hardly! They would much rather use that to money for their own benefit. Heaven forbid they consider doing something worthwhile with the enormous fund they sit upon and squander, such as something that would benefit their underpaid and ill-treated adjunct teachers, which would also in turn benefit their students.

As a former student of Shasta College and a long time resident of Shasta County, I find their behavior reprehensible and tyrant like. I would be ashamed to be a part of that administration.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the "united" meaning of Union? Just as there is strength in unity of cause, there is also weakness in divisiveness. Tenured faculty must realize that their own interests are compromised when they allow the administration to abuse non-tenure track faculty. It is only when the entire faculty stands united that the college will listen to them and govern the college fairly. Any group that sells out its colleagues for its own selfish benefit, sells itself short and hurts the institution as a whole. One could say "Penny wise and pound foolish", but then there is also the ethical argument...but perhaps that would require more soul searching than comfort will allow at this point. Best of luck to all at Shasta are all on the same ship work is required.

Anonymous said...

As a part-time faculty at Shasta College, I can confirm that there is absolutely no “job security” there.

Several part-time instructors have lost classes in the last semester even though they have taught at Shasta College for years and should have been given a priority when the class schedule was decided.

There are no seniority rights for part-time faculty at Shasta College. Even though an unofficial seniority list has been compiled and emailed to faculty, it is actually not observed by those who decide the class schedule.

I have to say that I am afraid that getting involved in this issue may jeopardize my future employment at Shasta College and know that other part-time instructors feel the same. Therefore, I post anonymously here.